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NMMNG Certified Coach Offerings

Coach Alex Moore’s clients are making huge wins in life with their 1-on-1 coaching.  They are making more money, improving relationships with their partners, getting more dates, and having a ton of more connected sex. Are you the next one to up-level your life? He’s now taking new clients to start at the end of October and start of November. Book a free 30-minute connection call.

NMMNG Sexual Confidence Coach. Our Sexual Energy is the strongest energy we have. Consciously deciding to put our sexual energy into projects and purpose is a sure fire way to succeed. With some daily exercises, I will show you the focus to choose how you want to use this powerful Energy and you will attract great things and people to your life! Choosing when you cum is empowering. Let's help heal the world with learning!. More Information.

Tony Endelman invites you to watch his free workshop: How to Overcome Nice Guy Syndrome without Anxiety, Guilt, or Overwhelm. Tony is a master certified life coach and is certified in the Psychology of Happiness. He is also the founder of The Integrated Man Cave and Integrated Man University, and the author of THE BIG STICK: Collected & Applied Wisdom from the Teachings of Dr. Robert Glover. Check out his free workshop.
Alister, a counselor specializing in "nice guy" issues, utilizes the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model to address the root causes of his clients' struggles. His approach goes deep, encouraging men to understand and reconcile their internal conflicts, leading to self-awareness and empowerment. Alister's practice offers a safe space for exploring vulnerabilities, helping men move beyond people-pleasing behaviors to build authentic, fulfilling lives. His work is transformative, providing tools for lasting personal growth. Visit his website.
Starting October 31st, André is launching his annual No Nut November challenge. This 30 day challenge is tailored for those who want to free themselves of pornography and experience a radical form of sexual sovereignty. All this in a tight container with other committed and accountable men. Learn more by sending André an email.
Ted Riter offers unique San Francisco Bay Area programs, personalized retreats, in-person and remote coaching (for men, women, and couples) with a focus on nervous system retraining for integrity, nourishment, and consciousness. Click here for more information.
Mike Lamerato is hosting a one night Men's Winter Retreat for nervous system regulation from 1/18-1/19 about an hour outside of Detroit on a private ranch, check it out.
Sidharth has just published the perfect companion journal to No More Mr. Nice Guy. The Nice Guy’s Journal is divided into 52 weeks; each week asks you to reflect on a carefully crafted Deep Dive question, and has weekly sections to plan and track your self-soothing, MVPs, Bucket List and gratitude. Get it on Amazon.
Michael Zick, a tech leader and coach, has helped celebrities, entrepreneurs, and men of all types reshape their lives, set better boundaries, and speak their truth. Book a free session to learn more.
From the UK, Rowan Andrews’ monthly No More Mr. Nice Guy Road to Recovery Q&A meeting is on Tuesday November 19th, at 8pm GMT. And don’t miss his new seminar, The Conversation, where men can learn how to use language to transform their lives and literally speak their true desires into reality - including desires for relationship, intimacy and sex with women - on Thursday November 21st, 7pm GMT. Details here.
Michael Samsel LMHC works with recovering Nice Guys through one to one therapy sessions, and he has started an in-person men's process group in Seattle. Contact Michael directly for appointments or questions. Also sign up for Michael's free mailing list.
Join Christopher K. Wallace, Advisor to Men™ & author of SIPPING FEAR PISSING CONFIDENCE: For Men, Solving the Riddle of Your Addictions, and thousands of others in the highest member-rated full service online FB group for daily insight; free weekly ATM zoom call; weekly ATM newsletter; Shame, Anxiety & Defender integration courses; FREE Sleep Cure course; 10M Men's Board; and high quality individual support.
Coach Robert Johnson's job as a Playboy Executive was to discover what made men tick, and what made women fall in love with them. Now, here's your turn to pick Robert's brain through his dynamic "Seductive Masculinity" program that offers personalized, one-on-one instruction to blast self limiting beliefs (SLBs), anxiety, bad dating, sexual issues and more! Email Coach Robert for a FREE introductory call right now. There's nothing to lose except your fears.
Join my weekend "Nice Guy" intensives in Salt Lake City, UT, or Honolulu, HI, for experiential coaching that helps you understand why you adopt the "Nice Guy" role and how to create real change by doing life differently. Learn more
Experience powerful coaching- see why one client said, "I got more out of 10 sessions with Jesse than I did in 15 years of on-and-off talk therapy.” More info.
Andrew Mundy has created a free, private Facebook community called The No More Mr. Nice Guy Community. Over 1600 men have joined this community and they say it's the best men's group they've ever found! You can join us, by clicking here
"Lifeforce and leadership", a 10 months embodied men's growth program launches in Feb '25. Facilitated by Thomas Buch-Andersen. More Information.