4-Week Online Course
Instructor, Roger Nix, NMMNG Certified Coach
Next Course Starts on August 24, 2015
Registration Open Through: August 31
Class is Open to Men and Women
Free Download
Getting Unstuck / Staying Unstuck
A Conversation Between
Robert Glover and Roger Nix
Listen to Robert and Roger's intimate conversation about their personal journeys of getting unstuck. Roger shares his process of getting unstuck from crippling anxiety and Robert talks about getting unstuck from his toxic, trauma-bonded marriage. Both Roger and Robert share key strategies they have found effective for getting unstuck and staying unstuck.
Where ever you are stuck in your life, this interview will give you inspiration, hope, and effective strategies for moving forward and getting back on track when you slip back into old habits.
Click the button below for this Free Download
Transforming Unconscious Habits
Are you stuck in behaviors that clearly don’t work?
Some common Stuck Operational Behaviors are:
- eating sugar, fat and salt to alter your mood;
- watching TV or the internet to excess;
- using pornography to the detriment of real relationships;
- using alcohol and drugs to medicate boredom and emotions;
- caretaking or people-pleasing to feel safe;
- overworking to numb out, get validation, or avoid intimacy.
Do you feel controlled by your impulses or paralyzed by your fears?
Do you promise yourself, but fail, to control or stop the behaviors that are hurting you?
Does the thought of changing old habits create too much fear?
Does changing seem futile and too big to take on?
Make Changes in a Natural Way
Moving Beyond Stuck (MBS) can help
MBS promotes change in a natural way by understanding your neurological system of triggers, routines, and rewards to create new habits. MBS allows you to relax, because you do everything in this program because you want to.
MBS simplifies and clarifies
Your Stuck Operational Behaviors (SOBs) are simply unconscious habits you created to avoid pain and attract pleasure. They are natural and normal. Nature set you up this way. Unfortunately, they work at the expense of learning to deal with life’s issues consciously.
You unconsciously created your SOBs when you needed to feel better, right now. You were young and no one taught you how to meet your needs in a healthy way or helped you learn that delaying gratification would be worth it. Everyone has this problem on some level.
MBS teaches you how to develop the skills of an adult who can choose and own his or her behaviors.
Reawaken the Excitement and Optimism
MBS takes a unique approach by emphasizing the rewards of a positive life rather than the fear and shame of being stuck. Through it you:
- clarify your vision of a better life, make it real, and move from “I have to” to “I want to”;
- identify the behaviors that contribute to growth and those that get in the way; nurture the helpful and let go of the harmful;
- use the neurology of habits and its triggers and rewards system to create new habits consciously;
- access the power of keystone habits, small changes that produce big results by building confidence and belief in yourself;
- learn – because change is still work and difficult – to soothe yourself, stay connected to your vision of a higher purpose, and get support as you make the transition.
MBS awakens you to the freedom of authentically doing what you really want to do. You are in charge and consciously choosing what you do – because you want to.
Moving Beyond Stuck can reawaken the excitement and optimism of a life that has choice, resilience, and surprises.
Just show up willing to take the first step and then the next, and watch it work.
Lesson One: The Origins of Stuck Behaviors and Commitment to Change
Lesson Two: Designing a Life Worth Living
Lesson Three: The Anatomy of Stuck Behaviors
Lesson Four: Growing Up and Self Care
Register Now
Standard Registration: $150
Student/Military: $75
This discounted rate applies to full-time students and active military.
Alumni Registration: $75
This discounted rate applies to alumni of previous Moving Beyond Stuck classes.
About Roger Nix
Roger Nix is a group facilitator, author, life coach, and teacher.
Roger was a real estate developer for over twenty-five years. In 2008, after several years of leading groups and counseling men as a layperson, he became a full-time life coach.
Roger brings overs 20 years of experience in working with addiction and anxiety issues. In 2011 he became a Certified “No More Mr. Nice Guy” coach. Roger has worked directly with Dr. Robert Glover in co-leading men’s groups.
Roger has personal experience in dealing with his own anxiety, addiction and co-dependency. He has successfully integrated healthy ways of living life and dealing with the problems we all have. Roger is committed to supporting men in the process of discovering an authentic self.
Roger currently lives in the Seattle/Bellevue, Washington. He conducts workshops, teaches on-line classes and leads men’s groups throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Roger has a degree from Eastern Arizona College and has studied Psychology at Antioch University in Seattle. He graduated form the Coaches Training Institute of Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Contact Roger Nix
How the Class Works
When you register for Moving Beyond Stuck, you will receive a link to a class resource page. After the course begins, a new lesson will be added to the class page each week. Most lessons will be presented through a written “lecture,” from which you will be able to download and print the lessons and homework. The course will also utilize some video and audio recordings that supplement the lessons.
The lessons will present information to help you understand the subject and yourself. They will be geared toward helping you apply the information to your life in very practical and doable ways. Each will have discussion questions to stimulate personal reflection and interaction with class members on the online forum. Homework assignments will help you apply the information to your life.
Class Discussion Forums
The class resource page will contain a discussion forum for each lesson, where class members will post their responses and homework assignments. Class members will be encouraged to read and respond to each other’s posts.
A powerful part of the course will be the mutual support, modeling, and accountability that such interaction creates. Most people struggle to change their lives because they try to go it alone, using a limited set of tools. The online forums will help you see that you are not alone or your issues unique. They will build on the concept of “what one man can do, another man can do.”
The online forums will remain available for 12 months after the class begins so class members can continue to support each other and stay in touch long after it ends.
Instructor Q&A Forum
The class will also have an online Q&A forum where class members can ask Roger Nix questions relating to the lessons. Roger will have regular office hours, at least twice a week, when he will respond to these questions.
Live Coaching Sessions
This course will feature a live, interactive Q&A session with Roger. The Q&A session will last about an hour and will provide a forum for asking any question relating to the course. The date and time will be posted on the class resource page. If you cannot make the session, you will be able to post questions in advance. The coaching session will be recorded and posted in the class library.
Class Library
This class will have a library where Roger will post resources related to the topic, including podcasts, videos, recorded interviews, books suggestions, and article links. This valuable library will help class members apply course information and put their intention into action.
You will be able to work at your own pace, reading the lessons and logging into the class forum to read and post at any time. You will be able to participate anytime from anywhere.
This course is limited to 100 students to insure maximum attention from the instructor and maximum benefit for each student.
100 % Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied with the quality of the materials in Moving Beyond Stuck, your money will be happily refunded!