NEW – All Video Format
An eight-lesson video course that will help you get out of your own way and become a full achiever in work and career.
Taught by Dr. Robert Glover
Author of No More Mr. Nice Guy
Introduction video + 8 Lesson videos + 8 Homework videos
Over 7 hours of video content
Get Out Of Your Own Way - Become A Full Achiever
Watch The Course Introduction Video - FREE
Live Up To Your Full Potential
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Nice Guys rarely finish last. In reality, they usually get stuck somewhere in the middle of the pack.
This on-demand, video online course identifies the ineffective thought processes and behaviors that keep Nice Guys from realizing their passion and achieving success in work and career.
You will learn to identify the ways in which you prevent yourself from living up to your full potential, and you will begin applying new ways of thinking and acting that will start you on your way to becoming a Full Achiever.
Nice Guys Don't Finish Last Lessons
New- All Lessons Presented In Video Format
Introduction: What One Man Can Do, Another Man Can Do
Lesson 1: Why Nice Guys Get Stuck In Middle Management
Lesson 2: Leapfrog Over Your Fear of Success
Lesson 3: Develop Integrity
Lesson 4: Embrace Abundance
Lesson 5: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Lesson 6: Find Your Focus
Lesson 7: Open Up To Adventure
Lesson 8: Build Your Team
Every lesson will present multiple strategies for living up to your full potential.
How the Class Works
After you register you will receive a course resource page on your account page at This course resource page will contain all videos, audios, and lesson materials.
- Stream videos anytime / anywhere.
- All videos are close captioned.
- Each lesson and homework video comes with a printable “Key Points” PDF.
- Work at your own pace.
- Unlimited access to all videos and course materials!
Order Now, Start Today
Nice Guys Don't Finish Last; They Rot in Middle Management: $249.00 USD Only during February

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We stand behind our products at but we do not give cash refunds for digital products. If any digital product your purchase doesn’t meet the quality you expected, we will be happy to exchange that item for another item of the same price (i.e., a digital class for a digital class, a podcast for a podcast). This exchange offer can only be applied one time and must be requested within 30 days of original purchase. To request an exchange on a digital product, please contact us at